
Until recently, I was worried about the question of what caused the success of some people or the failure of others. Perhaps you was asking yourself the same question. Why can not I do something? Why am I still not as perfect as I would like to be? When will the moment of my enlightenment come and when will I have a success?

The Story About Your First Guitar

To answer this question, I would like to cite the example of the ability to play the guitar. Let’s say that you never took a guitar in your hands before and now comes the moment when you listen to a lot of great songs on the radio, you take your money and go to the store. There you take the best guitar that you see. It’s yours now. Then you come home, take out the guitar and understand: “That’s all! I’m ready to start playing!”.

However, the first attempts to extract at least some harmonious sound lead to failure. You spend one hour on this, then another, but it doesn’t get better. Hands do not listen to you, and the sounds that the guitar produces are very far from those that could be called acceptable. But what went wrong? Just recently in the store the seller played as song for you on this guitar and you admired how awesome is your future guitar.

You invite your best friend, who graduated from the conservatory with a guitar class and asked him to test your new instrument. And surprise, again you hear beautiful chords, transitions using legato and now you start thinking that you will never succeed in playing like this. You don’t have the talent of your friend, so you are doomed to failure. But this judgment is a huge mistake.

Lots hours of training

You forget to think about how many hours did your best friend spend in order to play purely his first gamut. You don’t have the faintest idea of ​​how many hours did he play and how many failures were in his life before that. You only see the final result, which on your part is perceived like a gift . And this is a monstrous mistake!

Our world is arranged fairly strictly and fairly. Only by being able to compare groups of different people will it be possible to examine their skills and abilities from another more objective side.

For example, we take 3 groups of guitarists. In the first group, musicians have an experience of 100 hours playing the guitar, in the second 1000 hours and in the third 10,000 hours. How do you think, will be a difference in the playing between such groups of musicians? Undoubtedly yes! Moreover, it is impossible that someone from the 100 hours group will play as well as a person from a 1000 hours group. And it’s quite easy to explain.

Time & Guitar


Remember, before you think about your successes or failures against the background of other people, start to think whether you have done everything possible. If not, do not despair, now it’s time to start. It’s never too late to change anything. Accept the defeat and do nothing - the biggest crime against yourself.

Strive and achieve!