I know you missed me. So I'm back and I would like to share with you something that happened with me last year.

Spring 2018

I am a mentor. I have a new guy “to play with” and I know what to do with it. He is 19 and in two month he will live our company, but I believe it should be his best experience of work. He knows how to write code, and my goal is to bring him to the next step: to give him idea of how he could be better. By this I mean that I know where I am now, but at the same time I should understand where I can go and what I can do in my current position. It’s not so obvious, but the idea of finding a new ways can bring you extremely valuable habits.

Let’s say you’re staying near the wall somewhere inside the labyrint. You can decide that this is the end of the labyrinth and you’re the winner. But at the same time you could try to find another way and decide that this is the dead end and nothing more. And here is the difference. Our life is a huge labyrinth with unlimited number of dead ends. And in order to be successful in this game you should get more information about its rules. May be you can just break walls, who knows, but you’ll never know this if you’ll never try. And yeah, about mentorship. I really appreciate this time we spent together. It was not my first experience, but every time it’s like an great journey.

Summer 2018

No doubt it was time of Amazon MWS. Direction of development in our company has been changed and now we’re creating new cool services in order to sell more with Amazon. Unfortunately I cannot tell you more but that was my first experience with Amazon API. And here I found little cons.

First of all I want to say that I like Amazon and I appreciate work that they do. But requests to their API is highly limited. I understand why and I agree that it makes sense, but it was really restraining for us.

For example, we can process only 6 orders per minute. Let’s say if we have 1000 orders per day, then we need to wait 2 hours 46 minutes to pass them through Amazon API. Seriously. Anyway we can deal with that.

Autumn 2018

Even if you did your job well, there always can be the place for misunderstanding and mistrust. It’s time of a strong words and a big changes. Obviously, any changes in your life serves for the best purposes. At the same time it could hurt. Maybe not you, but someone else.

Direction of software development has been changed to SEO optimization and deep understanding of search engines for manipulation with them. That affected everyone who wants to concentrate on products instead of solving tasks of advertising and promotion.

There is only one way to solve such issue. Stop doing shit you don’t like.

Winter 2018-2019

Atlassian. I heard a lot about this company and used their products couple of times. But I’ve never thought about to be a part of its developers community. Times change. Right now I’m working in direction of Atlassian Cloud. And to say that I’ve got a new impression about this company would be an understatement.

There are lots of messy places in Atlassian Development. They have two UI libraries that don’t cover their style guide. Their API has three versions with different aproaches to work with. And it’s absolutely ok to find inside ther code such comment:

/* Actually it works not like described in docs. You can find description of the process here #issue_number. */

I was surprised to see that in such a big company with a huge number of customers. Anyway it’s a matter of habit. I really like to work with their processes and I think it’s a good possibility to help them and to their developers community(our developers community*).

Now (Spring 2019)

I really appreciate you here with me. Thank you for this. I will try to bring more content to you, cause I really like our communication. I have an idea for my new little project. But lets talk about it next time. Keep doing what you love and let’s keep in touch.