
Hey there! If you’re using Neovim or Vim as your code editor, you’re probably familiar with the Conquer of Completion (coc.nvim) extension. It makes TypeScript development a breeze with its coc-tsserver extension, which offers autocompletion, error checking, and more. But what if you encounter a version compatibility issue like this: “coc-tsserver 2.1.3 requires coc.nvim >= 0.0.82, please update coc.nvim”? Don’t worry, we’ll cover two ways of how to resolve this situation. Don’t worry, we’ll cover two ways of how to resolve this situation.

Automatic Update: The Easy Way

First, let’s try the simplest method—using the built-in :CocUpdate command:

  1. Launch Neovim or Vim.
  2. Enter command mode and run :CocUpdate.
  3. Wait for the update process to finish—it shouldn’t take long!
  4. Close Neovim or Vim using :q!.
  5. Relaunch Neovim or Vim and check the version with :CocInfo.

If all goes well, you’ll see coc.nvim has been updated to version 0.0.82 or higher. But if the automatic update didn’t do the trick, let’s move on to the manual update.

Manual Update: Taking Matters into Your Own Hands

Here’s how to manually update coc.nvim:

  1. Close Neovim or Vim if it’s currently open.
  2. Open a terminal (or command prompt in Windows).
  3. Locate your coc.nvim installation directory (check your Neovim or Vim configuration files if you’re unsure).
  4. Use the cd command to navigate to the coc.nvim directory.
  5. Run git pull to fetch the latest changes and merge them into your local copy.
  6. Close the terminal and relaunch Neovim or Vim.
  7. Check the version again with :CocInfo.

Now, coc.nvim should be updated to version 0.0.82 or higher, and coc-tsserver 2.1.3 will work like a charm.


That’s it! You’ve successfully updated coc.nvim, ensuring a seamless TypeScript development experience with coc-tsserver 2.1.3. If you have any questions or need more help, feel free to leave a comment below. Keep coding, and enjoy!